The importance of core values when choosing a Personal Trainer

Did you know that not all Personal Trainers work with their clients the same way? Actually, a good trainer should value their clients training preferences and make adjustments accordingly. Let’s be real, not everyone likes to be yelled at during every session.  Everyone is motivated in a different way... some people need a little “tough love,” while others need soft encouragement. When looking for a personal trainer, it is always a good idea to take a look at the company’s core values and make sure they align with your values and goals.  At Swamp Fitness, all of our personal trainers share these same core values:

  • Authenticity

Our trainers are honest, sincere and genuine. What they speak is true and honest, they own their mistakes and don’t make excuses. No matter what gets thrown at them, they won’t shut down and their actions speak louder than words.

  • Compassion

Our trainers are kind and will listen and empathize with their clients no matter the struggle. They are not judgmental and are always willing to lend a helping hand.

  • Responsible

Our trainers are 100% committed to their clients! They make proactive decisions while creating customized programs for each client. They believe that anything can be accomplished with the right guidance and dedication.

  • Progress

Our trainers embrace the “suck” and know that without hard work, results won’t come. They are willing to get uncomfortable and push themselves as trainers past their comfort zones. They are continuously striving to get better.

Our trainers will never give up on your goals and neither should you!

If you are looking for a personal trainer to help you get started on your fitness journey,  we would love to hear from you! Swamp Fitness is a dynamic personal training company in Gainesville, Florida. Our service is centered around helping busy people reach their health goals by traveling to them and working around their schedules. We offer accountability, motivation and programming to match the individual goals and needs of our clients so they can get the best results possible.

Swamp Fitness