How to Stay Healthy and Motivated from Home

With current ‘stay at home’ orders in place, gyms closed, limited healthy restaurant options, and many of us juggling school and work from home, staying healthy and motivated may pose more difficult than ever. Many of us find it challenging to exercise when we are limited in the equipment found in our households -- no heavy dumbbells, barbells, or cardio machines to get us moving more efficiently. Likewise, maintaining a well-balanced diet may be challenging at a time when stress, anxiety, and lack of motivation may be at an all-time high. This article is here to give you some tips and tricks to staying active and on-track with your physical and mental health needs! 

Exercise from home: 

While exercising from home is certainly not as exciting as going to a gym where you are more likely to feel motivated and have access to a variety of gym equipment, it can still be fun and efficient! 

Tip #1: Write out your workout routine before working out. This will help you complete the routine in full rather than giving up when you feel “bored” or out of exercise ideas.  Use our blog post for exercise inspiration!

Tip #2: Add weight to your exercises! No dumbbells? No problem. Use anything from a full gallon water jug, books, rice bags, etc. to add to exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, bicep curls, and even core exercises. 

Tip #3: If they are not yet sold out, resistance bands are another great way to make your workouts more challenging. Focus on slow and eccentric movements to ensure you will feel a “burn”. Resistance bands can be used for training the upper and lower body alike, and they are relatively affordable as well. 

Tip #4: If you are feeling under the weather but would prefer to receive care from the comfort of your home, consider telehealth options. As the COVID-19 virus wreaks havoc on the healthcare system, telemedicine is stepping up into the spotlight and helping healthcare providers better reach Americans who would otherwise find it challenging to receive the care they desperately need. But like all new and emerging technologies, not all are created equal. So we have made it our mission to investigate all telemedicine platforms that are currently available and identify the best for each type of medical need. You can learn more about it here.

Nutrition tips: 

Good nutrition is crucial for our health, yet being at home for prolonged periods of time may make it tempting to reach for not-so-nutritious snacks and meals. While the occasional ‘junk’ food may be okay to satisfy cravings, striving for more nutrient-rich foods for the majority of your day can benefit your overall health and goals. 

Tip #1: Plan out your meals for the day… and be realistic with yourself. Depending on your preferences, planning out three main meals per day along with snacks will help you stay on track with your calorie intake and macronutrients. If you are on a strict work-from-home (or study from home) schedule and cannot cook throughout the day, it may be easier to meal prep the evening before. 

Tip #2: Cave into your cravings, but in moderation. Do not deprive yourself of a slice of pizza or a slice of cake if you are craving it; however, enjoy these foods in moderation. Doing so will allow you to stay on track with your health goals while also enjoying the simple pleasures that may bring you happiness during this time. 

Tip #3: Stay hydrated! Drinking enough water will help you feel hydrated throughout the day as well as help you feel energized, full, and may also lead to better sleeping patterns. It is the cheapest and healthiest drink there is and has so many health benefits. If you struggle to drink enough water every day, keeping a bottle on you at all times instead of reminding yourself to fill a glass may help you mentally drink more. 


Staying active and eating healthy during this time is vital to our physical and mental health; however, it is equally as important to be nice to yourself and remember that being a little lenient with our health goals is okay. Try your best to stick to a workout routine, but do not beat yourself up if you are only able to work out three days a week when your normal routine calls for five-days-per-week sessions. Likewise, eating healthy and planning meals will allow you to hit your nutrition goals while feeling good, but eat that pizza (in moderation) if that is what your body is craving. It is okay to not be on your “normal” routine right now. Be nice to yourself! We hope you enjoy these tips and that they help you strive for optimal health and motivation while we attempt to normalize our at-home routines! 

Swamp Fitness