Eating Healthy and Holiday Parties


Healthy and Holiday. These two words can’t be used in the same sentence, can they?

Although it is very challenging to eat healthy during the holiday season, following these 6 tips will help you stay on track.

1)Weekly meal prep:

No matter the time of year, be sure to meal prep! You typically attend holiday parties at night or on the weekends. Therefore, you have the whole day to stay on track!

2)Find an accountability partner:

Find a friend who is also attending these parties and talk to them about your plan before and give them the okay to keep you in check.  

3)Don’t go to the party hungry:

Eat a healthy meal right before going to the party.  This way, you are not hungry and are less likely to make poor nutrition choices.

4)Change your mindset

Holiday parties don’t have to be centered around food. Enjoy making great memories with your friends and think less about the tasty treats you are “missing out on.”

5)Bring a healthy alternative

Bring a healthier version of your favorite treat. Find one that looks good to you and have fun trying a new recipe. There are so many healthy recipes out there these days!

6)Don’t feel bad if you fall off the wagon

We are all human and sometimes life gets in the way. Meal prep may not happen one day or you may overindulge at a party. That’s okay! Just be sure to not beat yourself up about it and get right back on the wagon the following day.

Swamp Fitness is a dynamic personal training company in Gainesville, Florida. Our service is centered around helping busy people reach their health goals by traveling to them and working around their schedules. We offer accountability, motivation and programming to match the individual goals and needs of our clients so they can get the best results possible.